About Me

I am currently a young investigator (tenure-track faculty) at Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University.

Research Interest

I am interested in dynamical system, ergodic theory and harmonic analysis. I am also concerned with spectral set conjecture on locally compact abelian groups.


  1. Mean topological dimension of induced amenable group actions. (with Guohua zhang) [arxiv]

  2. Multiplicity of topological systems. (with David Burguet) [arxiv]

  3. Application of waist inequality to entropy and mean dimension. (with Masaki Tsukamoto) Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., to appear. [arxiv]

  4. Strongly isomorphic symbolic extensions for expansive topological flows. (with Yonatan Gutman) [arxiv]

  5. Topological mean dimension of induced systems. (with David Burguet) [arxiv]

  6. Mean dimension of natural extension of algebraic systems. (with Bingbing Liang) [arxiv]

  7. On $p$-adic spectral measures. Adv. Math., to appear. [arxiv]

  8. Spectrum of weighted Birkhoff average. (with Balázs Bárány and Michał Rams) Studia Math. , 269 (2023), no. 1, 65–82. [journal][arxiv]

  9. Finite mean dimension and marker property. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., to appear. [arxiv]

  10. Embedding theorems for discrete dynamical systems and topological flows. Studia Math. , 270 (2023), 57-72. [journal][arxiv]

  11. Mean dimension of continuous cellular automata. (with David Burguet) Isr. J. Math., to apear. [hal][arxiv]

  12. On variational principles for metric mean dimension. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 68 (2022), no. 7, 4282–4288. [journal][arxiv]

  13. Divergent coindex sequence for dynamical systems. (with Masaki Tsukamoto) J. Topol. Anal., to appear. [journal][arxiv]

  14. On the multifractal spectrum of weighted Birkhoff averages. (with Balázs Bárány and Michał Rams) Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 42 (2022), no. 5, 2461–2497. [journal][arxiv]

  15. Zero-dimensional and symbolic extensions for topological flows. (with David Burguet) Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 2022, 42(3): 1105-1126. [journal][hal][arxiv]

  16. A counter-example for polynomial version of Sarnak’s conjecture. (with Zhengxing Lian) Adv. Math., 384 (2021), Paper No. 107765, 14 pp. [journal][arxiv]

  17. On dimensions of frame spectral measures and their frame spectra, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math., 46 (2021), no. 1, 483–493. [journal][arxiv]

  18. Construction of some Chowla sequences, Monatsh. Math., 2021, 194(1): 193–224. [journal][arxiv]

  19. Equi-distribution on planes and spectral set conjecture on $\mathbb{Z}{p^2}\times \mathbb{Z}{p}$, J. Lond. Math. Soc, 2020, 102(2): 1030-1046. [journal][arxiv]

  20. Fuglede’s conjecture holds on cyclic groups $\mathbb{Z}_{pqr}$, Discrete Anal., 2019:14, 14 pp. [journal][arxiv]

  21. Fuglede’s conjecture holds in $\mathbb{Q}_p$, Math. Ann. , 2019, 375(1-2): 315-341. (with Ai-Hua Fan, Shilei Fan and Lingmin Liao) [journal] [arxiv]

  22. Spectrality of a class of Cantor-Moran measure, J. Funct. Anal., 2019, 276(12): 3767-3794. [journal]

  23. Equivalent definitions of oscillating sequences of higher orders, Collect. Math. , 2018, 69(3), 395-405. [journal][arxiv]

  24. Compact open spectral sets in $\mathbb{Q}_p$, J. Funct. Anal., 2016, 271(12): 3628-3661. (with Ai-Hua Fan and Shilei Fan) [journal] [arxiv]